To Share

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Alone, not Lonely!!

I need different people in my life at different times as per my requirements.
Like if I want to laugh, cry, shout, share feelings, share griefs, etc then I connect to the corresponding person. But many a times a situation comes when I feel that I am in need of "myself" only and want to introspect myself and then I start cutting off my relations and then those people start hating me but it is not so as if I don't know their values or don't respect them but the only thing which I want is to solve my problems by my own.

Sunday 25 May 2014

Thought of the day, 25th May 2014

"A simple way to reach your destination is to choose a correct path."

-by Hearthrob

Friday 23 May 2014

Thought of the day, 23rd May 2014

"Whether you lose or win its all about your fate, but to attempt something is all about your guts"
-by Heartthrob

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