What a secular country? What a secular media? What a secular police? What a secular law and order?
In a row of protests from JNU to Hyderabad and now at NIT Srinagar, a threat of being a patriot has occupied a corner in our hearts. Students are beaten up brutally by police at NIT just because they were opposing those
who were doing anti-national activities (like hoisting Pakistan's flag) and celebrating India's defeat in Cricket Match. What a brave move has shown up by "our protector - Indian Police".
Now a situation has come where suddenly, during supporting and praising our country, an anticipation of being beaten by police or anti-nationals strike in our minds.

Being anti-national doesn't seems to be a crime which could be trialed in a court but a disease caused due to deficiency of moral values, patriotism, good upbringing and nice people around us. So it must be eradicated without if and but. These is no freedom of speech, no debate, no discussions required to treat a disease.
By allowing such activities in our renowned institutions fading the faith of people from them. Due to this, the future of our country and its existence would be at stake. So necessary actions in two phases should be taken by the government, firstly strictly punishing those who are involved in such destroying activities of law and order and secondly, by imbibing values to students from schools by revising the education system.
To save this country a paradigm shift in all above aspects has become essential.
Think over it.
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