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Wednesday 9 July 2014

Casteism, father of Reservation

India, a country with a variety of religions, languages, castes, creed etc. But the worm "Casteism" is eating the values of Indian Culture in every manner possible. The disputes between the people of backward classes named as "Dalits" or " Harijans" and other upper class people is being seen for many years.
Casteism has socially divided these people consequently creating many problems for the society. The basic thing is that the people of upper class think Dalits to be  "Untouchables" and want to supress them. Similarly, the Dalit people takes upper class as their enemy for many years.
This is a fact that the backward people has always been supressed by the upper class many years ago but now time has changed alot. This type of Caste discrimination has decreased considerably and only a small amount of it is left.
Discrimination can never serve good to any of the class of the society. Many people like politicians, pressure group leaders, etc take advantage of these divisions of society. They always show sympathy to both the classes but never try to do good for any beacause this division is the only source of income, luxury, etc. to them. So they provoke people of both classes against each other and eats the apple in between.
Reservation plays a very important role in people's lives whether they are upper or lower. Politicians has introduced reservation just for the good of Dalits so that their standard of lives may get uplifted and to provide them opportunities in every field as undoubtedly they have suffered alot. On the other hand, reservation is decreasing the opportunity for the upper class so they always protest against it.
And politicians are simply using reservation as their tool to earn votes.
But what is actually happening in this country? Nobody tries to find out. People are not aware and don't want to make themselves aware but only abuse the system of the country.
One side, casteism is providing reservation to Dalits but  it is making people handicapped. As Dalits have started thinking reservation as their birth right. They don't take it as help for their upliftment and rely on reservation.
On other side, people of upper class is losing some opportunities due to this so they started hating the lower ones.
So ultimately what is happening is that the gap between these two groups.
If the lower class had suffered alot in the past so this type of reservation is not a correct option to choose. This is not providing them a platform to show their skills. Reservation should be in such a way that it would provide them opportunities.  We can take a example, if we will allow Dalits to admit their children in the best institutions of the country give them best education so that they could show their talent and fight in the competitions for job not by gifting them a job. This will never increase their level up.
This casteism is not only seen in the field of studies and jobs it is also their in the societies like in marriages. People don't allow their children to marry in different caste and this thinking takes very cruel faces as we see daily cases of casteism in which parents kill their children. They never accept it. The only thing these people of lower class want is "Respect"and "Opportunities". They need to be pampered to help them come out of the bad past of them.
Casteism is always a biggest challenge for the democracy like India in which enormous castes live together.

Friday 4 July 2014

Tiffin in Trains

Indian Railways is known to be the third largest railway system in the world escalated the tracks from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. People travel upto 3 days by trains and need to do their regular chores in train obviously.  Lakhs of people  travel daily in Trains thats why govt. of India had set the prices of all the commodities in train lesser than outside it. But where the emperor of India "Corruption"  will go?
The vendors of food, water, confectioners, etc are looting people in the day light. Every year, with the Railway Budget, the prices of each item which is sell in the train is set and that is lesser than the MRP. But unfortunately most of the travellers don't even know this and vendors befool them and they accept it as their fate. This is the condition of "Blind Aware Crowd" of India. Both the people and the Govt. are swallowing this fact and shouts over each other regarding the rise in prices.
If we will assume that around 500000 people travel per day by trains and buy anything then if each traveller is giving Rs.5 extra to the vendors unknowingly then the amounts equals to 25 lakhs per day. Govt.  says that we need money to level up the quality of Indian Trains and we should raise prices. Why these type of small corruptions are not being stopped by the govt. along with the hands of people.
Think about it.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Impact of Cultural Mindset on HIV patients

Culture and Science, these two organs of the society play a very important role. Basically they have contrasting view points on a particular topic or situation. In many cases Culture looks heavier than Science and vice-versa. But in countries like India, which seems to be a "Culture Dominating" country, we can see the faded colour of science before Culture.
Now a days, we are experiencing a "Variety" of diseases like deficiency, infectious, etc. HIV, augmented as Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a very dangerous virus as it causes AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) which is simply a deficiency disease but do not spread by touching, sitting, talking, etc. to a person who is unfortunately suffering from it.
But most of the people have their cultural mindset as if a person is having AIDS should be boycotted from the society as he may harm others by escalating its viruses amongst others.
Basically this type of behaviour towards the ill person demotivates or demoralises him as he is an Alien, and he wishes to finish himself because he thinks that this world is now not for him and he should leave it as soon as possible.
So this type of rude nature is shameful.
Earlier, the factor "Untouchability" had captured the whole country and by the lapsing of time we have started to come out from its prison. But now we are once again using it in other form.
Most of the literate and well educated people are doing the same.
The term "Socialism" is now gradually escaping from the society.
So, we should always motivate such ill people,  should help them to increase their will power so that they can easily fight with such a life-taking disease should make a happy, socialist,  and prosperous society.

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