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Thursday, 5 June 2014

Impact of Cultural Mindset on HIV patients

Culture and Science, these two organs of the society play a very important role. Basically they have contrasting view points on a particular topic or situation. In many cases Culture looks heavier than Science and vice-versa. But in countries like India, which seems to be a "Culture Dominating" country, we can see the faded colour of science before Culture.
Now a days, we are experiencing a "Variety" of diseases like deficiency, infectious, etc. HIV, augmented as Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a very dangerous virus as it causes AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) which is simply a deficiency disease but do not spread by touching, sitting, talking, etc. to a person who is unfortunately suffering from it.
But most of the people have their cultural mindset as if a person is having AIDS should be boycotted from the society as he may harm others by escalating its viruses amongst others.
Basically this type of behaviour towards the ill person demotivates or demoralises him as he is an Alien, and he wishes to finish himself because he thinks that this world is now not for him and he should leave it as soon as possible.
So this type of rude nature is shameful.
Earlier, the factor "Untouchability" had captured the whole country and by the lapsing of time we have started to come out from its prison. But now we are once again using it in other form.
Most of the literate and well educated people are doing the same.
The term "Socialism" is now gradually escaping from the society.
So, we should always motivate such ill people,  should help them to increase their will power so that they can easily fight with such a life-taking disease should make a happy, socialist,  and prosperous society.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Anti-Corruption Capsules

It seems really funny that we all are aware of corruption and its forms but still are not waking up. We always accuse others regarding this but had never thought that we should stop the acute part of corruption which we do and ignore. We have to set our mind on a very simple thing that we have to stop or protest against corruption or the corrupted people at "our level" or in our daily life after all "Charity begins at home". But it looks impossible because we are not ready to adopt a "corruptionless country". So whose help can we take?
Our science has done an excellent progress and reaching to the seventh heaven. So can't it help us to solve this issue of corruption which is increasing like a "chain reaction". Are our scientists unable to make an anti-corruption capsule or some another medicine which would help us to reduce or abolish corruption? A thought which puts a question mark before everybody's mind. If science is not capable and people don't want to change themselves then what                                                            can we assume as the future of India?                                                                              Think about it.  

Monday, 2 June 2014

Thought of the day, 2 June 2014

"The  extent to which a thing can be corrupted is the allowance of the system."

-by Hearthrob

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