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Sunday, 22 November 2015

Some Logical Politics to follow

I think there is a need to write this.
See there is a mentality reverberating around the country and that reflects a pathetic mentality of people.
Most of the people in India support one or other political party and that is absolutely fine as if you have the ideology same as it has. But, it sometimes become irritating when any leader involves in some unacceptable activity then those who were supporting earlier take that as their own prestige and become "blind follower".
This should be changed as it should be understood first that we people are the makers in democracy, if we have right to stand by anyone in country's good then we also have right to stand against him/her in country's bad.
These political parties work by, for and in India and we are Indians. So we have to rather start thinking being an Indian then being a Congressian, AAPian, Samajwadi, BJPian, etc.
See these names are political parties till elections, after elections they are people's representatives. If the PM or CM or any other doing good, we should support, appreciate and stand by him to build his confidence more stronger to take country forward irrespective of his/her political party. Suppose, one is CM, he is CM of an India State and if he is PM, he is PM of India not PM of BJP or any other.
Think over it.


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